September 30, 2009

Chapter 14 is done...I think XD

Hey guys,

I'm just stopping in to say the chapter 14 is basically done. The end of it is being tweaked, and I'm trying to decide if I wanna shunt part of it off into another chapter....but either way, its basically done, lol. XD

Chapter 15 has to be re-outlined possibly, and that may start a chain reaction down my chapter outlines. Which would suck, cause right now I've got the whole book basically outlined...mmmyeah...I'll work it out somehow >_<

So if all goes as its been going, it looks like I may be done writting around January at the earliest. Latest would be May, but I'm hoping to be sending out to literary agents by then, so sooner is the goal. Plus I wanna start the second book in the trilogy by the end of May...

Nothing like self-made homework during summer break, lol XD

Anyway, its 11:41pm and I have work in the morning. So I'm gonna sign off here and tweak chapter 14 some more before hitting the sack.

I'll chat with ya'll later

~Sun and Moon

September 26, 2009

New chapter finished!

Hey guys ^_^

So chapter 13 has been finished for about 3 days now, but I haven't been online, thus the late blog. Sorry bout that XD

I'm already working on chapter 14 and I'm doing more outlines as well. Its going pretty smooth so far, but you never know, right?

Anyway, I have outlines up to chapter 22, and I'm still fitting things together, so that may be my project today....Working on the possible outlines. ^_^

The master copy for my betas is still out with the girl I gave it to first. She's working and going to school, and she has a little boy, so she's just now on chapter 5. She's making progress, though, and she's not a fantasy fan like most of my readers. So the fact that she likes it so very much is encouraging.

So, it'll be a bit before I have that beta copy availible, and I'm still trying to get those two that are still out there. So far no luck, but I'm working on it, so yeah...determination is key, lol XD

At any rate, I'm almost halfway through my story O_O....

So expect me to be all giddy when I finish chapter 15...ok?

Well, I have two commisions to do, and a story to work on, so I better get my butt in gear. Toodles!

~Sun and Moon
