October 31, 2010

Progress at last

Hey guys,

Well, chapter 18 is as done. Granted, it still needs a polish, but I'm done picking over it. Next, it goes to my editting friend for her to pick over, lol.

I'll be starting chapter 19 tomorrow, but tuesday I'll be spending the day with my hubby. Luckily chapter 19 doesn't need much more then a polishing, so it should be neatened up and done by the end of the week.

If all else fails, I have thursday off. As long as nothing comes up, I'm good to go....right? XD

Anyway, I'm off to bed since I need to be up for work tomorrow.

~Sun and Moon

October 26, 2010

Well, you see...

Hey guys,

You know, I was originally planning to sit down at my computer Sunday and get some serious work done...remember that? Well, I did get some serious work done, but not on chapter 18. 

Instead of cranking out the editing I had planned, I was reassembling an old ferret cage, making ramps for said ferret cage, and cleaning my livingroom. As for chapter 18, I put in about two hours worth of work.

Go me, lol.

So chapter 18 is only halfway done, and while my livingroom is looking good, I still need to clean my kitchen....and the bedroom....maybe my art studio too.


Anyway, I should have chapter 18 ready for the final edit by the end of the week. Keep you fingers crossed for me, though. At the rate I'm going, I need all the help I can get. XD

~Sun and Moon

October 21, 2010

Not today, but maybe tomorrow

Hey folks,

Well, I've archived all my old posts from my myspace blog. It took two days, but its finally done. Unfortunately, I don't really have any chapter news right now. I've been feeling really run down lately, so I decided to take a three day break after finishing chapter 17. It would've just been a two day break, but my 4th year wedding anniversery is tomorrow and I intend to spend as much of it as possible with my husband.

Sunday, on the other hand, is fair game. I don't know when I'll be able to sit down and edit, but since I have that day off I'll be logging some serious hours around dishes, laundry, and general clean up. Who knows, I might even finish the chapter before the day is over. Maybe. XD

Anyway, I'm off to bed. I feel like I might have a cold and the Niquil(sp?) I took is going to hit me any second now. Klutz that I am, its best if I'm laying down before that happens.


~Sun and Moon

October 15, 2010

Testing, testing....

Welcome to the official blog of Hannah Hounshell (you may know me better as Shaliken from Myspace). I'm still working on setting up, so there won't be any posts for a few days yet. Not to mention the fact internet explorer keeps crashing at random moments....*sigh*

Anyway, I hope to have this thing up and running soon, but not right now. Its around 1am and it is waaay past my bedtime.

G'night folks!

~Sun and Moon

October 13, 2010

Back on track

Hey guys,

Well, I finished that tempting stack of new library books late yesterday.

I've also finished editting chapters 15-17, and chapter 18 goes under the knife tomorrow night. One thing's for sure. I'm definitely going to be avoiding new books for a while. XD

But regardless of my slow pace lately, I'm going to be taking most of tomorrow off from writting. Instead, I'll be cleaning my apartment and trying to figure out how to get to work, and then back home without getting stuck at walmart.

Mmyeah...let me know if you guys have any ideas, ok?

I'm also waiting to get a third opinion on the new ending I penned for chapter 14. The person I gave it to seems to either be busy, or he's lost his phone....I think.

All in all, everything is looking up. The friend helping me with the final edit is feeling much better these days and is on chapter 5 last I heard. Soon I'll be posting the results on my authonomy page and you guys can have a look for yourself.

Well, thats all for now, folks.


~Sun and Moon
