April 27, 2014

Blog hiatus in progress

Well, I have about a month and a half before my rainbow baby is earthside and I'm not sure how often I'll be on here between now and then. I know I'll very likely be MIA for several months afterwards while we get into the swing of things. 

In the meantime I'm splitting my time between art, writing, crafting, and cleaning. I have a couple blog drafts I may tweak and turn into posts if I can find the time and energy, but I can't be sure as I'm just that darned busy. Even though I'm very much unemployed these days, there still isn't enough hours in the day for everything.

It sucks, but what can you do?

While I'm likely to vanish without warning in the next couple weeks or months, if you want to get a hold of me a comment, note, email, or text are all good ways to do that. I will say I'll check in on messages and such even if I don't post anything. The week of my daughter's birth is very iffy(I'll have a lot to learn and on very little sleep, no doubt), but barring that....I will be poking around every couple days or so.

I have managed to finish edit notes for chapter seventeen and I'm picking away at the notes for eighteen as my energy levels and time itself permits. I have about four notebook pages full of notes for this one, so it'll probably take me a good bit. As long as I don't screw it up. If I do, I'll probably still be working on it by the time I go into labor. 

Yeah, let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Well, that's all I have to say for today. I'm working on cleaning up the last disaster area of my apartment and it won't improve any further with me typing away at the computer.

Later, guys.

~Sun and Moon