February 12, 2011


I have a cover idea! Finally!

If you've stopped by my authonomy page, you'll notice I have one of their generic covers posted for my book. Well, thats about to change. After sketching one thumbnail(a little picture about the size of your thumb) after another, I finally know what I want to put as my cover. I know it probably won't stay if it gets published, but it'll work for now and thats what I need.

In other news, I handed chapters 11-20 to the first of my editting friends two days ago. She hasn't started them yet, but she thinks she can have them done by this time next week. Seeing as I'm just now starting on the rewrite for chapter twenty-four, I'm not about to rush her.

I'm also trying to rework my pitch and get a small pile of artwork done. Hopefully I'll finish up this book by my birthday and be starting in on Book Two by June. I've been itching to start a new manuscript and I already have a few scenes scribbled down in my various notebooks.

Well, on that note I better get to work. Chapter 24 is waiting for me and it's not going to be an easy one. Besides, I went to the library earlier and now there's a stack of books just begging to be read....

Hm...maybe I'll work on those edits tonight instead.

~Sun and Moon

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