January 29, 2012

Never a dull moment

Well, I'm still working on chapter twenty-eight, but I'm not stuck anymore. Progress is slower then molasses in januray, but at least I'm getting somewhere. The fact I made any progress is amazing as we had to wipe our computer this past weeek and reload EVERYTHING.

Seriously, it sucked.

The reason for the major restart goes right back to the time we got that one virus last year. Well, what we didn't know was that while the virus was finally gone, it had left us a gift in the form of some serious damage to our computer's system. This gift, however, didn't pop up until last sunday. Luckily I had already written a blog post and scheduled it, so there was nothing to freak out about. Not yet, anyway. However, whether you're writing a new scene, or just try to arrange for stuff in everyday life, nothing ever goes according to plan. Throw a broken down car and a bad fuel pump into the mix, and you've got the potential for some serious fireworks on your hands.

Between one thing and another, we managed to get stuff worked out. Our computer is back up and working better then ever. The computer wizard who came over to save our bacon now has a new fuel pump to replace the one the gave out halfway to our apartment(it ended up getting towed to our place so my husband could fix it), and we have a start on our gaming computer for this fall. Today I spent my time visiting with my parents(dad's birthday was last monday), and hanging out with an old friend. This evening I plan to put in some more work on chapter twenty-eight and relax with my husband before heading to bed.

And on that note, I'm off to scrounge up something yummy. It's way past dinner and I'm hungry as can be. If I'm lucky, there'll still be some goat yogurt in the fridge.


~Sun and Moon  

January 22, 2012

Say again?

If you've been following my blog for a while, or if you know me personally, then you've probably noticed I'm a bit of a flake. So far this isn't much of a problem as long as I remember the important stuff like making sure the laundry is taken care of and getting dinner on the stove at a reasonable hour. To be honest, I'm still working on that part. Thank goodness I have the most understanding husband ever. He doesn't mind if meals are a little late because I got lost in my latest bit of artwork, and he has no problem peeling me off the computer on those occasions I'm still doing edits when its past time I was in bed.

These days that happens more often then not as I work to finish the latest round of edits for "New Beginnings" and get Book Two started by spring. And let me tell you, sleep deprivation does nothing for your brain. At least, it doesn't do much for mine. I'm usually a night bird, but trying to wrangle chapter twenty-eight into submission has got me seeking out the comfort of pillows and blankets long before the clock strikes midnight.

In an effort to change that I've been taking a break from my usual routine. Instead of doing my edits when I get off work, I've been doing them on my lunch break(or any other moment I can squeeze in), and then relaxing with my husband when I finally get home. So far I'm still stuck, but there's always tomorrow, right? 

In the meantime, I still have a few books I haven't read yet and a movie to watch. Chapter twenty-eight is up on my laptop and my latest doodle is lying next to it just waiting to be finished. One way or another I'm plan to log some serious hours today. Finger's crossed things will turn out, and I'll be tidying up chapter twenty-eight by the time my husband gets off work. 

Wish me luck :D

~Sun and Moon

January 15, 2012

One step at a time

I find myself a little reluctant to post today.

You see, I haven't made any real progress on chapter twenty-eight. All I've manged to do is figure out why my attempts to smooth out the latest snag haven't worked. Which is good, but the overall lack of progress still stings. It's so frustrating to stare at the same paragraph for hours and wonder why you can't seem to see past your own nose. Normally new books to read help me push through these moments to find the gold I accidentally washed down the drain, but not when the books in question are more fluff then feast.

This snag has me stopped in my tracks and while I've narrowed the possible fixes to two different paragraphs, they themselves need fixing as well. It's kind of a problem. Today I'm going to try once again to find a solution. Seeing as my track record lately is less then stellar, I don't expect much. Chances are I'll find myself wandering off to get lost in an art project that needs finishing, or one of the books that does have a bit of substance to it. Even so, I'm not about to throw in the towel either. Fingers crossed, I'll catch a break today and find the glitter among the slime.

In the meantime, I better get some hot water going on the stove. If I'm going to get anything done I'll need something to keep me warm while I work. Blankets are all fine and good, but nothing beats a hot cup of tea when there is snow on the ground. Except for homemade hot chocolate.

Hmm...Anyone have a can of cocoa? I seem to have misplaced mine :D

~Sun and Moon

January 8, 2012

At least there's cake

Ugh, I need a serious break.

Normally this is the slow month at my job, but apparently our customers didn't get that memo. Work has been crazy, and while my brain has gone from fried mush to slightly squishy, it still isn't quite up to par. With my vacation not until some time in summer, what's a girl to do?

Why go to the library of course.

I have two new movies and a stack of new and old books, but they'll have to wait a little while. You see, I'm still bogged down in chapter twenty-eight and my husband's birthday is today. So I'll be spending my day fiddling with the bits that have me stalled out, baking a cake, making my margarita pasta, and relaxing with my husband. Maybe I'll take pictures of the food and post the recipes next week. It's always an option, anyway.

On that note, I'm off to cut a mat for some new artwork of mine and tweak my new desk lamps. They didn't turn out quite like I hoped, but that's alright. It's just another reason to go take a look at the daylight lamps on my favorite art supply website. Not that I needed another reason, but its always good to have one handy.

Later, guys.

~Sun and Moon   

January 1, 2012

Another year come and gone

Well, the holiday rush is over, but my brain is still feels like a pile of fried mush.  I'm back to work on chapter twenty-eight, but I can only do so much with fried mush so it's slow going.

I've knocked out one problem scene in the past week, and I'm working on tweaking another, but when you have new art books waiting to be read and new pencils just begging to be used...it's hard to stay on track. Today it was niether of those things that made this blog post late. Nope, I was just playing Sims 3 Pets and munching on some of the holiday goodies my family sent us home with. It's now almost six o'clock and I just now realized I hadn't written my blog post yet.

How embarassing.

Anyway, I'm off to go hammer more issues out of chapter 28 and do some hardcore cleaning. Then it's time to set up the two new lamps I bought yesterday. If they work out the way I hope, I'll be able to work on my art late at night instead of having to wait till morning or afternoon. Natural light is still the best, but you only get so much of the darned stuff during the winter. Fingers crossed, this will solve that dilemma for me.

Happy New Year, folks. May it be a good one for you. :)

~Sun and Moon